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A sneak preview of what teamLab Phenomena offers

Wondering what you’ll see and experience in teamLab Phenomena? Stay tuned, as we reveal the teamLab Phenomena artworks in the coming weeks. In the meantime, the following images from our past exhibition in Abu Dhabi will give you a better picture of what to expect in teamLab’s new museum on Saadiyat Island.
Dances with wind artwork

Pillars that Dance with the Wind

Dances with wind artwork
Materials made by humans, such as concrete, have maintained a stable structure on their own like a stone. Vortices on the other hand are created and sustained by the water that continuously flows inwards and outwards, maintaining an ordered structure within that flow.

Life similarly maintains order through the continuous inward and outward flow of energy and matter through food.

This artwork also has no structure by itself, but rather the structure emerges from the flow; it is soft and flexible like a life form. The flow is what creates order from chaos.

The artwork is strongly influenced by its environment, including wind, rain, and humidity. The number, movement, and height of the pillars changes significantly. The work also responds interactively to people.
Solidified Light artwork

Resonating Microcosms - Solidified Light Color

Solidified Light artwork
teamLab is experimenting with the concept of color. The ovoids can change into a total of 61 newly-defined Solidified Light Colors.

Under the sun, the ovoids reflect the world around them. As the sun sets, or in a dark space, the ovoids shine by themselves.

When an ovoid is pushed by a person, it shines brightly and emits a sound tone as it rights itself. The ovoids around it also respond one after another, emitting the same light color and sound tone that continues to resonate out.

When people are still, the ovoids begin to flicker slowly and reflect the world around them. When the ovoids are outdoors, they respond to environmental factors such as the rain and wind. The space of the work is interactively transformed under the influence of the behavior of the people and environment in the space, making the people and the environment a part of the work.
Spatial Calligraphy in the Forest artwork

Spatial Calligraphy in the Forest - One Stroke

Spatial Calligraphy in the Forest artwork
A continuous and unicursal Spatial Calligraphy drawn in the forest. The Spatial Calligraphy intersects and rotates in multiple layers, and eventually disappears.

Spatial Calligraphy is a form of calligraphy drawn in space that teamLab has been exploring since it was founded.

The artwork reconstructs calligraphy in three-dimensional space to express the depth, speed and power of the brush stroke, and that calligraphy is then flattened using the logical structure of space that teamLab calls Ultrasubjective Space. The calligraphy shifts between two and three dimensions.
Forest of Autonomous Resonating Life artwork

Forest of Autonomous Resonating Life

Forest of Autonomous Resonating Life artwork
The densely packed, standing ovoids of light are autonomous. When an ovoid is pushed over by people moving through or blown down by the wind, it rises back up as the color of its light changes and emits a tone specific to that color.

The surrounding ovoids respond one after another, continuously changing to the same color and emitting the same tone.

When the wind is not blowing and the people nearby are not interacting with the ovoids, their lights begin to blink slowly.
Resonating Trees artwork

Autonomous Resonating Life and Resonating Trees

Resonating Trees artwork
The resisting and resonating ovoids placed amongst the trees shine. The light of the ovoids and the light of the trees are autonomous: they shine brightly and then fade slowly, as though they are breathing.

When an ovoid is pushed, the color of the light it emits changes and a tone unique to that color echoes out. The light that originated from that ovoid resonates out to other ovoids and trees nearby. The tone resonates out continuously in the same way as the light, spreading throughout the ovoids and trees.

If a wave of light comes from the other side, it signifies the presence of people there. People gain a heightened sense of awareness of the existence of other people in the same space.
Path Leading to Forest artwork

Path Leading to the Mangrove Forest

Path Leading to Forest artwork
The musical experience changes depending on the pace at which you walk.
Mangrove Forest artwork

Life is Continuous Light - Mangrove Forest

Mangrove Forest artwork
The mangrove forest shines brightly.

When people pass by the mangrove, they shine more brightly and produce a tone. The light of that tree then radiates out, spreading to nearby mangrove as they resonate with the same tone.

If a wave of light comes from the other side, it signifies the presence of people there. People gain a heightened sense of awareness of the existence of other people in the same space.
Giant Solidified Spark artwork

Giant Solidified Spark

Giant Solidified Spark artwork
Reality is not what we see. What we see is a world that we are capable of perceiving.

A sphere made of accumulated rays of light. The light radiates from the center in infinite fine rays, creating its spherical shape. The light source remains motionless, yet the countless lines emitting from it wriggle continuously.

The sphere has no surface boundary, and the perception of the boundary between the artwork and the body is ambiguous. When you try to touch a sphere, your hand goes into the sphere as it does not have a physical boundary.

What is this sphere? Why do the rays wriggle? Our world is within us.

And once we recognize this sphere made of accumulated lines, our perception of the world expands, and we will begin to notice them wherever we go.
Universe of Fire artwork

Universe of Fire Particles on the Island

Universe of Fire artwork
The flames of Universe of Fire Particles on the Island change shape due to a dark, absolute presence. Flames are a phenomenon of light and heat generated by combustion; it is a vaporized substance in a flow, a decomposed substance. It is our sensory experience of seeing what is in between phenomenon and substance. We perceive this sensory experience of the flame as a physical object, and at times feel that life resides within it.

Lines are drawn in relation to the flow of combusting gas, and the flames are created by the accumulation of those lines in three dimensions. The lines are then “flattened” using what teamLab considers to be Ultrasubjective Space to represent the flames.

teamLab is exploring the concept of Distributed Art. If you launch the Distributed Fire smartphone application and approach this artwork, the flame will ignite in your phone, and you will be able to take the artwork home with you. When you bring that flame close to another person's smartphone, a flame will similarly alight in their phone. As you connect the flame, and they connect that flame with someone else, the flame will spread all over the world. The distributed flames are displayed on the Map of The Flame.

Distributed Art duplicates itself, or a part of an artwork is distributed among people. Then, once in the hands of the people, the artwork is further actively distributed, and also makes copies of itself. The artworks will be distributed and exist on people's networks and become decentralized. When the artwork exists on the network, it continues to exist even if the original disappears.